Category: Utbildning

Utbildningar kopplade till storskaliga spel för samhällsomställning

May 16: Life Generation Megagame

Date: Thursday, the 16th of May 2024.
Time: 13:00 to 17:00
Venue: Linköping University at room I205

Come on a journey into energy descent and climate change 2030-2060 in a local community. In this semi-immersive game experience, players will act as citizen assembly members (“medborgarråd”) of a municipality dealing with local and global events affecting everyday life. With the quest to keep life worth living for all, players will interact through board game mechanics, enter altered states of consciousness, and meet non-human characters with the power to change the outcomes.

Please register via

For more info contact Louise at

Play the GreenRoute Megagame in Norrköping May 19!

On the 19th of May, we will hold an event where we have invited dozens of people to play and enjoy our Megagame, Greenroute. Greenroute is a type of game that is played by a large number of people, you will all in some way interact with each other. This particular game will be about YOU! It’s about the environmental impact of an individual inhabitant in Norrköping, government authority and company and the impact of their choices on the environment. The goal is to improve our future regarding our climate goals and to make our society logistically sustainable. 

To participate, sign up HERE.

The event will be held at the campus in Norrköping (Kopparhammaren, room 22), see map below. The event is completely free, and we will provide snacks! The game will start at 10 AM and will last for several hours. See you there! 

For further questions, contact 

MEGAGAME for Sustainable Energy Development May 15 2023!

A megagame is a large-scale, immersive game combining tabletop, role-playing, and live-action elements. Involving dozens to hundreds of players, teams cooperate and negotiate to achieve objectives in thematic scenarios, overseen by organizers and game masters. 

In the course TDDE50, we will host a megagame event as part of the course, that will take place in I205 on Campus Valla the 15th of May (I-huset). Our megagame focuses on the area of sustainable energy development and simulates a community within a region of sweden. If you want to attend, please fill out the registration form

Hopefully we will see you on the 15th

Studenterna på kursen Megaspel: Design för hållbar utveckling speltestar

9e maj var det premiär för studenterna på kursen att låta externa spelare testa deras uppdateringar av CCM .

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